Monday, August 17, 2009

OM-G & SD1000

I finally decided to go back to photography again - not for any commercial gain, not to compete with anyone, just because I love it and miss it. I still don't have a DSLR, but I have my little digital camera, a Canon SD1000. It's pretty well-worn at this point, because I take it with me everywhere and I love it to death. I even have a little mini tripod that is perfect for it, and makes it much easier to take pictures at night.

I mentioned before that I re-bonded with my old film camera the other day - I present to you a pristine model (although this one isn't mine) of the Olympus OM-G, a.k.a. the OM-20.

My camera was my mom's in the 80s, and I think can be specifically dated to 1983 (older than me!). It's one of the amateur models, but it still takes pretty rad pictures when I tell it to. The great thing is that there's a good line of lenses (Olympus Zuiko lenses) that people are still selling and for relatively cheap, so if I decided I want more lenses they're out there.

I'm excited to take some color photos with the camera, but I do have a fondness for digital when it helps me make something like this:

Sydney - Edinburgh Castle Pub, San Francisco, CA. July 11th 2009.

More photos will come soon :)

p.s. the last post was my 100th post! Go me!

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